Fighters no longer get experience points for shooting down units that cannot defend (paratroopers) Paratroopers have 25% evasion chance AI FIXES Fixed bug causing AI units to sit around outside cities. Can no longer build forts in rival territory Can no longer blockade from within your own cultural borders Spread culture espionage mission increases your culture by 5% of the total culture in the city Vassals can no longer use spies against their master (active missions) Espionage Poison Water and Unhappiness amounts no longer incorrectly scale with game speed Added minimal conscription ability to all gunpowder and melee units that didn\'t previously have it - Prevents situation where you can\'t draft when you can build SAM Infantry but not Infantry Rival spies no longer count as friendly units for nuke attacks Blockading consumes all remaining movement Blockade is canceled when unit does something other than blockade Blitz promotion available to ships Frigate, Ship of the Line, and East Indiaman bombardment ignores walls and Castles Colony maintenance capped at twice the distance maintenence All teams get espionage points against a newly formed Colony.
Great Works brings city out of revolt, as before BTS Unlimited Corporation Executives now allowed Invisible units no longer get bumped when an enemy occupies the same tile.
#Civ 6 world builder loading script error free
Revised liberation formula - Fixes exploit of infinite unit generation through city liberation Liberation no longer provides free units to non-vassals Cities no longer auto-liberate on conquest except from a vassal to a master Colonies no longer can be the same civ as an existing one Colony gets all of prior owner\'s culture on the entire continent Can no longer make a colony on a continent with an existing colony.
#Civ 6 world builder loading script error upgrade
Attack Sub: 30 strength, 7 moves, 180 cost Destroyers also upgrade to Missile Cruisers Customs House and Feitoria give +100% Foreign trade route income Reduced inflation and better normalized it with game speed Inflation no longer increases after the game time limit has been reached Adjusted corporation maintenance for inflation Corporation Headquarters give 4 gold per corporation city to balance corporation immunity to inflation Spies downgrade towns, hamlets, and villages instead of completely destroying them Military Science moved to Renaissance Can\'t vote on a winner if one team already has all the votes necessary to win Updated Apostolic Palace civilopedia text to show that all members receive the religious building production bonus, unless they defy a resolution.